Sunday, October 11, 2009

Greetings :D

I have moved into this spot of the internet.
I paint and draw a lot and sometimes I make things out of paper and sticky tape and if I cant make them out of paper and sticky tape I stare really hard at walls till I see the solution for how I'm going to make that which involves more than paper and sticky tape.
I like to make costumes and accessories and alternative clothing. I sew and cheat with staples and strongly believe that if you cant see it, its probably held together by string and glue.
I dont believe in "I found out how to do this and if you want one you have to pay me" (ETSY) but I do believe in sharing ideas. So feel free to leave some of your own.
All the Fairy Glitter to you.


  1. Oh please do! I would love to see more of your art and read about your process and your ideas :) Also, this photo of you is so very gorgeous.

  2. That comment doesn't make sense now that I have edited my post. Errr... sorry.
