Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How to Make a Fairy continued...

So I finally accomplished creating elaborate fairy wings... Now I have a new mission. To make Pixie ears. I have come across several sites that have small latex prosthetic attachments that can be sealed with spirit gum however, as previously mentioned... I like to make these things myself. Also, I do not have the 6 weeks shipping time available. I want it now! Like everything... I'm such a toddler. Well this is what I am making:-

The Elf Ear: Project #2

Any ideas on where to begin will be greatly appreciated. I have found I very much enjoy cos play... I thought it was all Star Trek and Sailor Moon but becoming a real life fairy falls under that bracket also... along with wierdo and person who never wants to grow up.

Anyway, this Peter Pan/ Tinker Bell is off to buy some Ultracal, Latex and spirit gum... I have visions of hovering my ear, stuffed with cotton wool, in a bowl of Plaster.

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